重庆桑拿网,重庆耍耍网,重庆品茶网,重庆夜网论坛 桑拿会所 This made Yan Renying furious. These wooden spirits accompanied him to grow up. For him, these wooden spirits are like brothers and sisters. Because of this, he can’t tolerate anyone bullying them, and he is already very dissatisfied with holding chores for evil guests. However, he has to bow his head under people’s eaves, but if anyone dares to bully these wooden spirits under his nose, he naturally can’t tolerate it.

This made Yan Renying furious. These wooden spirits accompanied him to grow up. For him, these wooden spirits are like brothers and sisters. Because of this, he can’t tolerate anyone bullying them, and he is already very dissatisfied with holding chores for evil guests. However, he has to bow his head under people’s eaves, but if anyone dares to bully these wooden spirits under his nose, he naturally can’t tolerate it.


Seeing a girl with butterfly wings pulling with the girl, Yan Renying immediately flew over and grabbed the girl with wings to throw her out, but he didn’t shake her twice. Such a weak girl seems to be like a mountain, and she may be bored. When the girl shook her arm, Yan Renying immediately flew out more than ten meters away to barely hold her body.
At this time, Zhou Guangyun and others flew up and saw Yan Renying being bullied. Yu Yougu had already released the blue neon needle sword, but Zhou Guangyun knew this girl was Song Changgeng’s little girl Jade Butterfly. She asked a few words softly to understand that the little girl saw Muling, who was the same age as her, and chased her out to play with her, but the girl Muling boy did not speak.
At this time, Yan Renying felt humiliated by a banshee. She just steadied herself and released her flying sword. But when she saw that her sweetheart was talking to the banshee, she just stood there. When Zhou Qingyun finished, he shouted, "That’s cruel. Sister Zhou, please get out of the way and let me kill this leprechaun."
Zhou Qingyun turned his head and shouted, "This is a disciple brought by the guests. What do you want? Don’t say she didn’t hurt this wooden spirit, just want to play with her. Even if it’s really hurt, it’s up to the elders of both sides to negotiate. What did you do in private? We Emei Sect are not so unreasonable. Please be strict with your brother. If you can’t control yourself, please go back. "
I turned my head and ignored him, but comforted my little girl softly. Tell her that these wooden spirits have duties and can’t play with her, and then find a chance to play with her when they are all right after opening the government. My girl knows the situation here, so she has to agree with Zhou Qingyun in a passive way, and then pull the wooden spirit and say something to me when you are finished.
And beside because Zhou Qingyun reprimanded Yan Renying very humiliating, he also knew that things should be put down, but the thought of Zhou Qingyun’s contemptuous tone just now, reprimanded tone. Let Yan Renying, who has always been used to being a young master, feel irritable on his face, and a nameless fire rises in his heart, and his breathing becomes violent. My heart is depressed and uncomfortable.
See the little girl still don’t let go of the wood spirit, and the wood spirit seems to be eager to go back, still struggling gently, and his face is a little anxious. Yan Renying feels that the fire is rising, and his mind is reminded of lightning. Aunt Xuejun Jiang told herself that you have a three-time relationship with Zhou Qingyun, but people die like lights, and everything has to start all over again after metempsychosis. If you want to catch up with Zhou Qingyun, you must have a man’s verve and grace.
Thinking of this, he shouted, "You evil spirit, you are trying to stop Mu Ling’s task and hinder us from opening a government in Emei. If you don’t let go, I will waste you."
Zhou Qingyun was speechless. This person can talk at ordinary times. How can he say such childish things now? In fact, Yan Renying regretted it when he spoke English. He wanted to show himself in front of Zhou Qingyun, but he couldn’t speak. Having said such a poor remark, he can’t take it back after it has been exported, and he can only hold on.
At this time, Princess Changping and two female disciples chased out because my little girl was not at ease when she flew out. They just came and heard Yan Renying’s words. I can’t help but feel angry. My little girl is very likable at ordinary times. These girls are crazy about her. Never said a harsh word. Now it is not only reprimanded. And he was called a demon.
Although she is a leprechaun. However, people who are carefree don’t want to be told. Now when Yan Renying scolds Princess Changping, she is not willing at first. See my girl wronged to let go of the wood spirit. She felt distressed when she flew back with her head down. Reached out and hugged my little girl. Gently stroked her head. Princess Changping glared at Yan Renying. Gritting his teeth, he said, "Emei sent the earth down a peg or two!"
Turn around and go. Yan Renying’s face turned red and white. Look at him biting his lip. Next to him, my aunt Yu felt a pain in her heart. She suddenly turned her head to the back of Princess Changping and shouted angrily, "Where did you come from, bitch? Dare to slander us here, Emei. I don’t know. Let me teach you a lesson. Don’t go. Look at the sword! "
Put a blue neon needle sword in his hand. Immediately into countless green needle fly out. Just like a torrent, I went straight to Princess Changping. Things are in a hurry. Princess Changping didn’t expect that these men and women who were carried away by love would do so. At that time, I was unprepared. Hasty response. Although all four released flying swords to resist. But princess Changping’s two female disciples were still badly hurt.
Countless green needles gathered around the four people. Although the sword light was stopped outside by four people. But two female disciples have been injured just now. Covered in blood. Zhou Qingyun knew that things were going to be bad when she saw Yu Yougu’s sword. I haven’t waited for her to stop. Princess Changping’s two female disciples were injured. Her heart trembled. The thought of knowing this matter will anger Song Changgeng. She was in a daze.
Just when she was confused, she suddenly heard a voice exclaim. A white light came. A stir in countless green needles. Hit the green needle four times and fly it. As soon as the sword light is closed. A young man in purple fell down. Zhou Qingyun knew that he was Zi Xuanfeng, a disciple of Song Chang Gung. You can tell from the angry look on his face that he must be very angry about his classmate being hurt. But he is steady. Know that this is not a place to start work.
He fought back his anger, first looked at the injuries of two female disciples, and asked Changping to treat them first. When he turned around and wanted to question them, there was a flash of golden light, and a middle-aged Taoist with a straight face fell down. It was Yu Shougu’s teacher, the thirteenth disciple of the long-browed real person, Master Yuanyuan of Xiangxue Cave in Luofu Mountain, and the blue neon needle and sword were the treasures she used in those years, although it was given to Yu Shougu.
She knew that Yu Tou-gu was in the fairy house, and I’m afraid something happened if she started work with a fan, so she flew in at once. But when she saw that the female disciple who had no trouble was injured, and her apprentice was fine, she knew that things were going to be bad. She asked Zhou Qingyun to simply ask, but her eyebrows were wrinkled. With a wave of her robe and sleeve, she saw all the green needles scattered in the air flying towards her.
In a blink of an eye, a new sword was formed. Master Yuanyuan put the sword into his robe and sighed at Yu Yougu, saying, "You are the daughter of Jianghu, and you are aggressive by nature. I only took you as a disciple because I pity you. I thought you could restrain your temper. I didn’t want you to be so reckless and dare to hurt the guests until you worked hard at ordinary times to punish Wang Juanjuan, a fellow soldier who fought for the treasure.
Today, you have broken our precepts. Now I’ll chase your flying sword first, and you can take the blame from our law enforcement elders after opening the government! Although I am your master, there are national laws and regulations at home, especially for practitioners with great power like us. If there is no wayward behavior, the world will be in a mess, so I will never show mercy to today’s matter. "
After turning his head, he said some apologies to Zi Xuanfeng and others, and gave them some medicine. It was nothing. Seeing that an Emei elder was so low-key, Zi Xuanfeng and others could not pursue anything, and people punished their disciples. What else could they do?
He was just about to say a few words to end the matter, but because of a small fight they had just had, many guests paid attention to it, and some even flew out and came over them. Now, when the matter was over and it was all about to break up, a cold female voice began: "Hey! It is said that Emei Sect prides itself on being noble and decent, and it is true that it does things in a dark way.
I didn’t believe it. How can such a big sect be so hypocritical? Now it looks like it! Just apologize for hurting people? That’s amazing, what you Emei school say is really precious! "
They looked up and saw four men and women in the air. One of the women was speaking. Although she was dressed as a girl, she had two hands and two feet, one long and one short, and her appearance was beautiful, but the hands and feet broke the aesthetic feeling, and her expression was extremely arrogant, her mouth was light and her eyes were contemptuous.
Master Yuanyuan knows her, and she is a disciple of Yu Wa, Ximin Island, a small Penglai in the East China Sea. She is a poor girl from Sanxiang, Yu Xiangzhu. Master Yuanyuan once received her, so she knows her. You can see from her face that this woman is cruel because of her physical disability. Later, when Cui Wugu and others came, she heard about it when chatting with people in Lingjiao Palace. This woman is usually vicious, but she works with others and never dies.
And she has many magic weapons with her, and even more, overseas evil factions have made friends widely. Except Emei and Wudang in Middle-earth, all evil factions have close friends. According to Ding Chang, the Taoist teachings that her master Yu Wa learned are between evil and righteousness, and she has only done one bad thing in her life. Apart from being careful and cruel, she likes to show off her bravado, and there is not much sin, but she likes to cover her faults best, so she does.
Master Yuanyuan couldn’t help but have a headache when she spoke. At this time, Zi Xuanfeng and others took a look at her and began to walk back. The poor girl of Sanxiang, Yu Xiangzhu, who was both hands and feet, saw that Zi Xuanfeng and others ignored herself and twisted her inferiority complex. She snorted angrily: "Which disciple are you?" How dare you be so timid? I was bullied and didn’t dare to talk.
Judging from your appearance, I know that your master is also a garbage. It’s really a waste of your qualifications. I think you’d better worship my door, at least I won’t let anyone bully you. "
As soon as her words fell, Zi Xuanfeng suddenly raised her head, gnashing her teeth angrily, and said, "It’s not your job to do what we have to do. If you dare to insult my master, you will not be spared."

The thirty-fourth volume Kaifu Fengyun Chapter three hundred and thirty-two Twin double jiao
When he finished, he was about to fly his sword, but he saw countless blue-and-white crystal fish fly up and go straight to the poor girl Yu Xiangzhu of Sanxiang, who had two hands and two feet. The little girl who had been in Changping’s arms was already very upset about hurting her classmates because of herself. She was very guilty in her heart, but when she heard someone say that the master was not good, she immediately abandoned all her feelings and was only angry.
Although she and Song Changgeng are apprentices, they are actually the same as father and daughter. A child will be angry when he hears others speak ill of his parents. My girl’s reaction after hearing this is not angry, but she didn’t say anything about anger. She just let go of the 3,000 ice fish swords sent by Weilin Chui in the Arctic. Guilt and anger made her anxious to vent, so she took no mercy.
This 3,000 ice fish sword is a flying sword in the form of 3,000 ice fish, which was grinded by the Arctic ice spirit for thousands of years. Later, my little girl sacrificed and refined it, but it was rarely used. It was usually used for playing with the royal family or playing with my classmates. It was a first time for her to attack others. In fact, the poor girl in Sanxiang, Yu Xiangzhu, had long been on guard, and she kept her mouth wide open when she saw so many flying swords.
To know that the practitioner’s personal ability is limited, it is very troublesome to run a few flying swords. So many are not only uneven in strength, but also uncomfortable to run, which is easy to cause problems. However, as soon as she touches them, she is now wrong. Each of these flying swords is powerful and flexible, just like countless people attacking her with swords, and her contempt in her heart immediately goes.
Before she could catch these flying swords, she saw a flash of golden light and took them all away. At the same time, a peaceful voice said, "Stop it, we’re here as guests. If you have any grievances, we’ll solve them when we leave here. Please give me face. Now stop fighting and go back to your homes and wait for the government."
When everyone looked around, it turned out to be a beautiful young woman in a pink Tang-style palace costume, with a colorful cloud at her feet. I was blocking it between two people with a golden light. After hearing what she said, my little girl knew that she couldn’t start work now. She glared at the poor girl in Hunan, Yu Xiangzhu, and left her pie mouth wronged. She took back her flying sword and walked back with Chang Equality.
Yu Xiangzhu, a poor girl from Sanxiang, and others naturally know that this beautiful young woman who drives colorful clouds and wears pink Tang-style palace dresses is Ding Chang in Lingjiao Palace. That’s a fairy, even her own teacher is not to be taunted, so she has to turn away with her classmates, without even saying hello. Seeing their arrogant appearance, Ding Chang can’t help but shake her head. Those who have achievements and roots have pride, that’s the beginning of his decline.
So she felt that she didn’t need to treat gas with such a person, and made a ceremony with Master Yuanyuan. Just going back, I saw Song Changgeng standing in the air, frowning at the poor girl Yu Xiangzhu and others in Sanxiang, and she quickly flew over. To put it simply, she is afraid that this guy is really here.
At this time, Master Yuanyuan also saw Song Changgeng. She simply told Zhou Qingyun a few words, then flew up to the two men and said some apologies. I hope everyone will not pursue this matter and will punish his disciples when they go back. Song Changgeng smiled and said, "It’s just a small matter. We are here to be guests, and my disciples are not sensible. Please forgive me. "
Just as the three of them were talking, Song Changgeng suddenly felt something. He turned his head and seemed to feel something. Master Yuanyuan was stunned. After meditation, he smiled and said, "It turns out that Taoist friends from Wudang have brought their disciples. Song Daoyou seems to be old with them? Would you like to go out with me to meet me? By the way, I would also like to introduce you to two Taoist friends in Lingjiao Palace. "
It turned out that when they spoke, Gan Biwu had already flown out. Her eyes were blue, but when she saw Song Chang Gung, they brightened. Countless emotions flowed in her eyes, but she couldn’t say a word.
Song Chang Gung looked at Gan Biwu as if he hadn’t felt it. He smiled at Master Yuanyuan: "I was talking at the Qingcheng School. Come and have a look when you sense the disciple’s abnormality. Don’t want to have such a misunderstanding. It’s over. However, the poor girl in Hunan has more hands and feet. He is usually the most vicious. Work with people. Never die. It’s never over
Since you have offended me. I don’t care about her either. But if she dares to mess with me again, Hard to have to let her metempsychosis. If her master doesn’t comply. Had to let it fall. What a hassle. My sisters and I are old friends. I just sensed them. Now that I think about it, I’m almost at the door. Let’s meet together. "
Four people fly to the main entrance of abode of fairies and immortals. Here is now Qi Jintong and Shi Qi on duty. Shi Qi is a six-disciple with long eyebrows. A disciple of Li Yuanhua who lives in Feileiling, Emei Mountain. Steady personality. Skill is a rare golden elixir in Emei’s three generations. See the four of them fly out. Qi Jintong and Shi Qi quickly saluted. They haven’t spoken yet. Mrs Miao has flown out with Master Yuan Jing and others.