But …


People’s names are lined up neatly …
Lin Pingzhi looked at the team list and frowned. Some people didn’t believe it. They moved their eyes back to a team and swept it again. The brows became deeper and deeper.
Why does it seem that there are still so many people who didn’t leave the team halfway at first glance?
One name after another, he has been wondering if someone has left the team and the back line of the gang has been added. This is the reason why it seems that it has not changed.
In the sight of Yu Guangzhong, his blood gradually decreased. Lin Pingzhi did not move, but the browsing speed increased a lot. When the last name had not yet entered the fundus, his hand moved, and two consecutive swallows pulled the distance to the left.
At this time, I saw the last name during the period, and I couldn’t help secretly exhaling. My guess was really implemented.
Being beaten by Hongyuan was caused by not being one of our own.
As he looked at the past bit by bit, this conjecture became more and more profound, especially when the last name was uncertain, his hand moved faster than his brain.
On the left, you will stop and turn around and look at your previous place. When a sharp sword flashes, the red knife light faintly reveals the danger.
Is hostile …
[Nearby] The East is white and white! You filthy idiots!
[Nearby] Does Oriental Xiaobai dare to come to a plate of light! Except sneak attack! What else can you do?
Familiar with garbage once again occupied the nearby channels and consciously searched for Oriental Xiaobai. When they saw the "corpse" lying on the ground, almost everyone knew what had happened.
Jianghu people who haven’t been killed have instantly put their attention away, and when their opponents haven’t reacted, they can use all kinds of skills to escape from difficulties. Even so, a few bodies lying on the ground and disappearing because they were killed for 2,000 yuan are not ignored.
From the moment I realized it, I immediately responded. I have to say that all this shows that the Jianghu gang has good fighting quality. However, it is obviously hostile to gain an advantage in this wave of war.
[Nearby] I am the most domineering.
[Nearby] I am the most domineering to deal with a group of pigs. What can I do? Do pigs still have to talk about IQ?
See the opposite losses ye most domineering has not previously been choked by the Oriental small white and become angry from embarrassment, but walked out at a slow pace is very leisurely and said.
[Nearby] Lin Ping creaks with your arrogance and quickly retreats! Little people!
Lin Pingzhi looked at the sudden appearance of hostility behind them, and guessed the other party’s calculations. The group of people appeared in front of their eyes after they found out that they were attacked by trees. They were not suspicious at that time, thinking that they had a panoramic view of every move across the street. At this time, they were a little wary of being attacked before, and then they stepped out in a panic. A hand residue fell out by pressing the wrong key. "Meat" That moment is that they are still hostile. "Being unsociable" attracted attention. However, looking at the situation in front of us, we can know that they had not reacted at that time, but the other party quickly made a judgment. Some people quickly flew over their heads and behind them on the three-stage jump of flying skill. But what about them? However, I was attracted by this man’s head, thinking that the opposite side would not make a move. If there was anything wrong with it, there were still so many people on their side who would always watch and find out. In this way, everyone couldn’t help but neglect the other side, and while so many people surrounded me with the most elegance and grabbed the head, the rest of them flew from their heads one by one, and no one noticed.
Thinking of this, everyone in the Jianghu can’t tell clearly what it’s like, whether it’s remorse or self-rejection, or whether it’s anger from embarrassment.
While the Jianghu gang was in deep remorse, someone on the other side broke this unspeakable silence.
[Nearby] I applauded most elegantly/got a head and a lot of people. It’s really Pepe.
It doesn’t bring people a good impression to speak in a polite way, especially when the Jianghu gang saw the speaker’s name, the black mood in their hearts became worse.
If others ridicule them, they can bear it, but if the "culprit" comes out, the string called "reason" in their minds is not so easy to strain.
After all, this "fish" was so weak in front of a group of "knives" just now, but now it is "fish" who really holds the power. The contrast is probably not so acceptable even for people with a calm heart.
[Nearby] I am the most elegant? How? Am I delaying the soaring? Why isn’t anyone talking?
I didn’t wait for the response, but I was very puzzled. I asked in a nearby channel that it looked decent, as if it really bothered me.
However, everyone in the Jianghu knows better than anyone else whether the opposing party is true or rubbish. However, no matter how angry they are at this time, they don’t want to say a word, as if they were arrogant like a ridiculous joke.
They are really careless.
Being hit in the face at this time is the most turbulent time for the army.
Everyone who used to have passion and blood was "beaten" at this time.
[Nearby] I am the most handsome. Can’t you say anything to refute this? ! It seems that you also know your own virtue.
[Nearby] How is my most handsome? Do you feel like you just bounced around like a clown?
The so-called hostility means that when you see it, you can damage it, you can damage it, you can make it bad, and it’s hard to catch the most manly gang in the Jianghu. Of course, they can say one more word, so it’s reasonable and tide wait for no man. Well, they don’t care about that
Don’t be angry, remorse, regret and anger. All kinds of emotions are flooding the Jianghu to help everyone. Can they not know that the other party deliberately scolded them? Of course they know, but what can they do when they know?
They are right! They really looked like a clown just now, and look at the crowds around them who are fighting and fighting. They are not polite to say that they are humiliated.
There’s probably no way out except to be patient at this time. It’s unusual to be happy because of grabbing the head. After all these cynicism, even if there is anger in my heart, it’s like being doused with water.
They said yes.
Morale is getting lower and lower.
[Nearby] Linghu fills up your ugly ratio!
Suddenly, Ling Huchong broke out and denounced a group of people who were the most masculine gang, but they didn’t expect the words to make the onlookers feel a little confused.
[Nearby] Linghu fills up what you are doing now! Face wall or silence? !
[Nearby] Linghu charged and rushed to beat them! You can’t beat the old money and hit them to kill them! What are you still grinding?
A local tyrant gesture discourse was thus released by Ling Huchong without any psychological obstacle.
But it never occurred to everyone that this kind of words actually had an effect.
When I saw this, I was silent for two seconds, and I was the most domineering and took the lead in reacting. I was ready to ridicule, but suddenly the Jianghu gang moved.
At this time, the people who were silent and forbearing rushed forward with murder again. The other side was not caught off guard, and the most manly gang with good fighting quality came. Instead of spitting garbage leisurely, they quickly took their weapons in their hands and made great efforts to fight against their old rivals.
This Jianghu gang really seems to be good.
Meditation to far look at all this Zuo Tangtang can’t help but sigh with emotion.
To tell the truth, it really reminds her of the scene when she first entered the soy sauce gang. But unlike soy sauce, if it is soy sauce here, they will definitely take on all this with a careless and more confident attitude when the other party spits out their garbage, unlike everyone in the Jianghu gang who has fallen into remorse.
However, although this group of them can’t jump around and face embarrassing and bad things like soy sauce makers, they are like missing a string in their heads, but each of them has everyone and unconsciously exerts their influence.
For example, this Linghuchong is to be continued.
Ps A bean crawled back again. A didn’t come back until early this morning, and then it seemed to catch cold (yes, a bean is so talented that it can catch cold on such a hot day? ! A) I took medicine and slept for a whole day. I thought that I was a little more energetic for a goods without a draft, but I was still groggy when I thought about it. Get up and give it more = = Let’s shake my spirits ~ Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha (I feel a little second)! I, Douhansan, am back! Cast group skills! What a group! (A continued to take medicine with her pillow and went to sleep to hide …)
[36] Chapter three hundred and sixty-one Add new combat power]
Playing games also has a routine of playing games. For the general public, running around and dumping goods every day and having one ingot of silver can be regarded as successfully breaking away from the poverty line and entering a "well-off" level.
Generally speaking, people in Jianghu don’t like trenches much except that they meet local tyrants when they set up their own stalls to sell things, and they don’t care if they have a headache.
What do local tyrants represent?
It stands for silver!
It’s the most painful thing to fight with a local gang like this. For example, the two gangs are ordinary martial arts and ordinary equipment, and they try their best to think about how to win the maximum damage with the least sacrifice, but the local gangs there don’t care about it. They have good equipment, and it doesn’t hurt to fight with each other. They hold knives in the crowd like a "human twist" Generally speaking, the amount of damage caused by the meat machine is considerable. I have to say that this gap makes every ordinary gang very uncomfortable to prepare for the command, and it is also true that everyone has invested a lot of energy, but it is quite unfair for the people to lose the game because of the "silver meal" of the other side. Without any technical content, they will never be angry, especially when the two gangs spit at each other and laugh at each other, but everyone can angrily brush 99 and stick to the Lord, which makes them speechless.