重庆桑拿网,重庆耍耍网,重庆品茶网,重庆夜网论坛 品茶 "Hey, I washed it. Do you want me to help you wash it?" Night evil thin lips in Heng Xuexiao ear one by one accidentally close to her earlobe provoked Heng Xuexiao body a thrill.

"Hey, I washed it. Do you want me to help you wash it?" Night evil thin lips in Heng Xuexiao ear one by one accidentally close to her earlobe provoked Heng Xuexiao body a thrill.


Heng Xuexiao’s soft palm immediately covers the night evil and repairs his mouth, otherwise he will definitely be ashamed to death.
"I’m going to take a shower." Heng Xue laughed and jumped out of bed in a hurry. Before leaving, she was blindfolded by the night evil to avoid him saying something that made the deer jump.
The next morning, before the formal start of class, I learned to practice evil practice, just like a father touching the snow and laughing at his head, and exhorting him, "You are not allowed to run around and sit in class. I have something to do. I have to go to the library and wait for me in peace."
"Dad knows better than I do." Heng Xuexiao felt that Ye Xiexiu cared for Nai as carefully as a child, so she gave him the title of "Dad than".
"Don’t call dad a husband!" Night evil repair was angry and funny, and took a punitive bite at Xue Xue’s cheek.
Heng Xue’s smiling face is reddish and shy. "Old …"
Seurat, the night evil, has long ears and listens carefully.
"old man!" It’s not so easy to let the night evil repair take advantage of it, and then sneak back to the classroom after calling it quickly.
Night evil Shaughnessy shook his head and walked to the library. In fact, he was going to inquire whether there was any information to satisfy the needs of vampires by laughing at amber tears in snow.
Heng Xue sat in the classroom laughing and chatting, and suddenly felt dizzy.
By the way, she was’ fed’ yesterday, and she didn’t eat grass herself.
Night evil repair won’t come back for a while, so she just ran to the playground and grass.
Look at the left, look at the right, and see that no one is laughing nearby before sneaking back into the rabbit, and then I just want to get into the grass and get up.
Heng Xuexiao looked back in surprise …
Act 163 was framed
"What a cute rabbit!" Heng Xue smiled and wanted to bite his tongue. It was Qin Luoyi who caught his own person! ! !
The limbs are constantly kicking and struggling in the middle of the game. Qin will not catch himself as a pet, will he?
Qin Luoyi told Heng Xuexiao that she wouldn’t catch herself as a pet, but she was about to die! ! !
"In fact, it’s not bad to bake rabbit meat."
Said Qin Luoyi, laughing with Heng Xue and walking into a cabin in the playground.
Oh my god! I’m finished playing. Where are you?’ Heng Xue Xiao Xin kept shouting, but unfortunately no one could save her.
Qin’s undressing spell stopped Heng Xue’s smile, making her unable to move, and then she made a fire by herself.
Seeing the fiery fireworks burning, I almost saw death waving to myself in the firelight.
Qin took off his clothes in two or three, and tied the petite rabbit’s body to a piece of firewood and hung it on the fire.
Ow, ow, ow. My ass hurts so hot.’
Heng Xue laughs and tears. What should I do now? I’m sure I won’t live except to show my true identity.
Decided that she was going to throw caution to the wind.
A white light flashed across the snow, laughing and hanging on the fire rack, looking at the burning ass, and hurriedly said, "I’m a burning son, just put out the fire and wait for me to explain it to you slowly."
Qin took off his clothes and laughed at it. He also put out the fire quickly.
Two people squatting on the ground Qin clothes quietly waiting for Heng Xuexiao explanation.
I hesitated to watch it for a long time before Xuexiao slowly spoke. "Actually, I’m from the rabbit princess who played hide-and-seek in the forbidden area that day, so I came to the vampire world. Fortunately, I had to rely on the evil practice at night to hide my identity from you. There are also many necessities. I’m safe and the vampire world is peaceful. Please forgive me."
Qin undressed for a long time and didn’t speak. Heng Xue smiled and turned his face.
I found a cold smile on her face, just like the original one.
Heng Xue laughed and suddenly missed a beat. The bad feeling in his heart was gradually spreading.
"Clothes you …"
"Heng Xuexiao, you can finally admit it." Qin undressed and looked at Heng Xuexiao’s beautiful eyes with deep irony and triumphant victory.
Heng Xue laughs at a loss.
The cabin door was slowly opened, first by the headmaster, that is, the night evil father, followed by the vampire leader, followed by the black silk feather clouds … and a lot of people with serious faces.
Heng Xuexiao vaguely knew that she had been framed by Qin Luoyi, and her heart ached a little. She always regarded her as her good friend, but she framed her like this.
It turns out that good people are really destined to be bullied.
"Yi Yi, why did you do this to me?" Heng Xue smiled and looked at Qin Luoyi with tears in his eyes.
"Because rabbits are not allowed in the vampire world."
What do you mean?
Heng Xuexiao was knocked out from behind before he came to ask.
The expression of black silk feather clouds is cold until the snow laughs and faints in his arms.
It’s a feather cloud to stun the snow and laugh …
"Take people to the Senate"
Act 164 Devil’s Injury
Heng Xuexiao opened her eyes again and she was locked in a huge cage.
Sitting around a large group of old vampires, Lun Yu Xiao is the smallest expression and the most calm among them.
Heng Xue smiled and sat in the cage. Gu’s big eyes were full of tears, looking at the delicate and touching people outside. No one could bear to be cruel to her.
However, there is one person who still stares at Heng Xue sharply and smiles with horror and destruction.
The headmaster pointed to her with trembling fingers in front of Xue Xiao. "Are you a rabbit princess?"
Heng Xue smiled and moved back in fear, biting his lip and shaking his head.
She’s so scared. People here are so scary. She wants the night evil to be cultivated.
"You! ! !” The headmaster became more and more angry when he saw Heng Xue laughing and didn’t answer. He opened the cage and handfuls of Heng Xue smiled. His fingers tightened tightly, and then his fingers tightened.
"Well …" Heng Xue smiled and frowned painfully, and his forehead braved a lot of cold sweat. His innocent eyes were full of frightened throat as if he were abruptly torn off.
People around you can’t help but gasp at the air conditioning. It’s the first time you’re so atmospheric.
Heng Xue smiled and felt that she was dead. Amber tears fell to the ground along the corner of her eyes.
Everyone can’t help but be very surprised when they see this scene. It’s not easy to shed such strange tears.
Others are surprised that the headmaster jumped with blood-red eyes after seeing those tears alone.
Heng Xue smiled and the corners of his mouth constantly overflowed with blood, which made the headmaster’s hand red.
Heng Xue closed her eyes with a smile, and when she was quietly waiting for death, someone finally came out to help her. That person was …