Yes, let’s do it!


Feather Zhen’s spirit of killing himself was so touched that he felt that saving the whole world fell on his weak shoulders and his whole heart was full of tragic feelings.
If necessary, you can be humiliated and dedicated to Feng Luo. When he is most excited, that is, when he is most vulnerable, Yu Zhen is excited by his own thoughts and thinks that her whole face is red.
Why don’t you explore first?
Feather Beard sat at the table and looked at herself carefully in the bronze mirror. She gently let herself loose like black satin. Black covered her delicate shoulders. Feather Beard gently stroked her long wait for a while trance.
After a long time, she gently got up and walked to The Hunger Fengluo’s bedroom.
Feather came to the front door of Fengluo’s bedroom. There are several vampire girls guarding the front door. When she saw Feather coming, the delicate vampire girl quickly reached out and stopped "Please stay in Fengluo’s temple to practice. No one is allowed to disturb!"
Hum, hum, practice? Don’t also suck the blood of human girls to practice? Feather Zhen stretched out his hand and pushed the vampire girl’s hand and said stiffly, "I have something urgent to find the vampire girl in The Hunger Temple. It is very difficult for them to give in." Please forgive us if we let you into The Hunger Temple, it will eat us alive. "
While arguing, I suddenly heard The Hunger’s majestic voice coming out of the room, "Let her in!"
Heard the command vampire girl hurriedly let the road feather cut across a few ghost girl pushed the door and strode in.
Unexpectedly, Feng Luo turned out to be sitting cross-legged on the bed with no one around. What’s worse, a woman?
Feather and his eyes looked at each other and he couldn’t help but feel a little blushing. Feng Luo looked at Feather and played softly. "You seldom come to me on your own initiative. What is it?"
Chapter one hundred and seventy With one thousand
Feather pastor cocked his head and wanted to think close to the wind. "I want to see if the place where I was injured by the wolf king Lei Cang has grown up." She took the initiative to grab the wind’s arm and watch it carefully
Feng Luo’s wound has healed well, and he has left a faint scar on his arm. I believe that even these faint scars will disappear in a few days.
"It’s really worthy that the wound healing speed of The Hunger Fengluo is almost the same as that of lizards." Feather said sincerely.
Wind los lightly looked at his wound and smiled, "not just lost your blood? Only your blood can cure my poison, "he said in his mouth, gently holding the feathered hands."
Feather bow without saying a word, Feng Luo gently lifted the feather face and said, "Will you regret saving me?"
Of course I regret it!
But of course, you can’t say that in your mouth. Feathers are softer. "Of course I won’t regret my blood. You detoxified because you were my lover in your previous life!" She said gently took the wind los shoulder.
"Three thousand years ago, you told Jing Xuan that you wanted to get her to give up her hands and the sky was not precious. So I ask you now, can you give up the whole day now?" Feather pastor asked softly.
Feng Luo single-handedly fell into his arms, and before he could react, his gentle kiss had fallen on his forehead. "Don’t worry, I said that once I have something else for you, I have a few thorny things to do at present, and I will give you a definite answer after I have done it well."
Feather Zhen sits in Feng Luo’s arms and says nothing. If only Feng Luo could really listen to himself, he must influence him to give up fighting for the world.
Looking at feather Zhen quietly relying on his shoulders, I feel that I can’t say happiness and comfort. Isn’t this happiness coming too fast? He almost suspected that he was dreaming.
Warm jade, warm fragrance, full of hope, stop here, no matter whether Feather Zhen is sincere or false, Fengluo feels satisfied. At this time, he has no murderous look and never wants to touch blood again.
But his body The Hunger is so easy to stay away from the blood to temptation?
There are many things that I have always been.
But who can understand this?
Feather anchor softly leans against the wind. Somehow, a beautiful song flutters in her mind, which she has never heard before but is so familiar with.
Sleeping on your chest at night;
You and I are closely intertwined;
You laugh and say this life and the afterlife;
Millennium, Millennium, Millennium …
The darker the sky is, the greater the snow is, and there is no sign of stopping. Snow makes the mountain roads more rugged and difficult to walk. The heavy snow is blown by the cold wind like a knife, and there is nothing but snow and snow in the field of vision.
In this confused snowstorm, two pedestrians helped each other and walked hard.
"When will it arrive?" It’s really big for a thin man to shrink from a snow.
"hurry up! Don’t bother! " Another tall and strong burly man will carry tools in his hand and go to the shoulder. "Let’s go!" It will be dark in a few days. "
"Otherwise, we’ll come another day. It’s so dark and snowy and the mountain road is too slippery. If it slips, it will kill us." The little man muttered.
"Forget it if you don’t go! Don’t try to reach out to me when I find the treasure! I won’t give it to you at all! " The burly tall man growled menacingly and threw a pack of tools at the short man.
"It’s okay! Just go. I mean, "The thin man wanted to think and sighed, but finally he couldn’t resist the greed in his heart and accelerated his pace behind the tall and burly man."
The two men carried their tools knee-deep in the snow and continued their slow and arduous journey.