重庆桑拿网,重庆耍耍网,重庆品茶网,重庆夜网论坛 桑拿洗浴 Real Madrid quickly agreed to Valencia’s offer as soon as they misread it and confirmed it repeatedly.

Real Madrid quickly agreed to Valencia’s offer as soon as they misread it and confirmed it repeatedly.


They have a feeling of being hit by gold bars falling from the sky.
I’m afraid I’ll let Valencia react a little later and cancel the offer, so they won’t be able to get a bargain.
Changsheng burst into laughter in the office when he saw that Real Madrid agreed to the offer.
The first time I saw being cheated, I was so proactive!
Now that the two clubs have reached an agreement, Real Madrid can join hands with mendieta to discuss personal contracts.
So when Tordera received a message from Real Madrid, he was surprised!
"What? Valencia agreed? " His voice trembled at the other end of the sentence.
"It was the Valencia club that agreed to our offer."
Tordera’s brain crashed directly.
He never imagined that the Valencia club had directly agreed to Real Madrid!
Isn’t mendieta the captain of Valencia? Isn’t it an important part of Valencia’s tactics?
How do you say you sell it?
When mendieta people knew the news, they stared at Tordera with their eyes wide open.
Tordera looked embarrassed.
"Er … this …"
To react, mendieta suddenly felt angry. He stared at Tordera. "Didn’t you say there was no problem? ! Didn’t you say you should handle it? ! Ah! What about now? How did this happen? ! What Valencia will give up on me? What? !”
Tordera couldn’t figure out whether he wanted mendieta to be reserved so that he could ask Valencia Club for a better salary and a new contract.
But what could have happened like this?
He also want to not white.
Of course, he can’t understand. Winning mind is really not something that ordinary people can think about.
Anyway, Valencia has promised Real Madrid what Tordera should do at this time, and he knows very well.
It’s definitely not mendieta’s refusal to stay in Valencia faithfully. Since Valencia has no plans to stay in mendieta, it’s natural for mendieta and his own interests to consider at this time.
Of course, first he has to persuade mendieta.
"Well … it seems that Changsheng has always held a grudge against you, Gatzka!"
Mendieta leng one.
He suddenly realized that it might be the most reasonable explanation.
Changsheng must hold a grudge against him, because the two of them have never been very good.
Look at how he treats Ibrahimovic, aimar and zahovic, and you will know what his character is …
I offended him and contradicted him. He must have been waiting for this day …
I want to keep winning, but I don’t want to keep myself. I have to sell myself.
Mendieta more think more white think this should be the truth.
Tordera was watching mendieta’s face constantly changing, so he knew that he was also in the battle between heaven and man, so he added fuel to the fire while the iron was hot.
"Do you think about it, Gatzka? Although you want to stay in Valencia, it is obvious that Valencia doesn’t want you to stay with Li. Stay as a substitute? Which is better than Real Madrid or Valencia? I think a person with normal IQ knows what to do. Now that Valencia has decided to sell you, you might as well go to Real Madrid, which is a better choice for you than Valencia … As soon as I told you, it won’t hurt whether you choose to stay or leave when Real Madrid comes to you … You can go to Real Madrid and prove your ability there to make coach China regret letting you go! "
Mendieta’s face was like a roulette wheel, and his expression finally stopped after changing constantly.
He made a decision.
Gaizka mendieta looked forward to the agent Tordera.
He sighed. "Well, you talk to Real Madrid …"
Tordera relieved "good will not let you down gates card! I will definitely get you a big contract! You can even retire directly from Real Madrid! Think about it, Real Madrid! How amazing it is to be able to retire there! "
Mendieta, however, was not in the mood to listen to the bright future he described. Instead, he waved to Tordera to get busy and he needed to be alone.
Tordera left mendieta alone in his room. He went to the window and looked out through it. He was familiar with the street scene.
He has been in this city since 1992 when he was only ten years old.
He stayed here for ten years, married and had children, and sometimes he felt that he was almost a Valencia.
But in fact, he is not, he is a Basque, and he finally chose to leave.
Perhaps because he is not a real Valencia, no matter how good it is, it doesn’t belong to him.
But if Valencia doesn’t belong to him, what about Real Madrid?
Does Real Madrid belong to him?
At first, I wanted to go, but now I don’t want to go, but I have to be forced to leave.
Mendieta thinks life is really wonderful.
Although he decided to leave a year ago, when he really left, he found that he was actually reluctant.
This city has ten years of memories and clear memories.
He left the best time of his life here.
He doesn’t know how the fans here will treat him when a member of Real Madrid returns to Valencia. Will they welcome him or hiss at him?
I hope … it won’t be too bad then …
Chapter one hundred and forty-four What were you doing when you were nineteen?
The season actually went on while mendieta agent Tordera was negotiating personal contracts with Real Madrid.
Valencia has another goal. They don’t have to compete with other teams now. They have to compete with themselves.