Chapter 73 Chapter 73


One by one, the souls of those who died in vain emerged from the earth, seeking to torture and kill their own people. The painful cries of the perpetrators resounded through the sunset in Chenjiacun.
Most of them are still young, and their parents are reluctant to let them brush the dishes. They should be treated as palm beads, and the biggest annoyance for giving them peace and joy throughout their lives is heavy study, unable to finish writing papers, or unable to understand the dormitory.
Some people will help their parents do farm work when they are busy with farming, and they will go home to eat at night and spoil their parents’ arms.
A little older, they have entered the society from more than ten years of education. They have a collar that can serve the motherland and earn money to repay their families.
After work, I may study which new export red number is beautiful with a cup of milk tea and my little sister Tucao. After watching it for a while or playing two games, I will take a shower and sleep, and continue to create value in society the next day.
They all had their own life and a limited future.
The flowers have just bloomed, and they have to prove to the world in the future, but they are sold to Chenjiacun for goodwill, oversight, or various outrageous reasons.
Beating and cursing, imprisoning//forbidding, ill-treating, being strong//,being deprived of one’s name, identity, dignity and love, being tortured inhumanely is the loss of one’s life, and the body will remain in this mountains and valleys forever.
They shed blood and tears, hands, teeth and tools, and tried their best to avenge themselves and their dead sisters.
Resentment and despair that have been suppressed for a long time burst out at this moment like boiling magma flooding the whole Chenjiacun.
"I remember you! I remember you! "
"You don’t deserve offspring! Chenjiacun is not worthy! "
"I’m in pain. Do you remember what hurts me so much?"
"Give me back my life and my family! Give it back to me! "
Xie Quan wait for a while smiled. He grew up in love and was extremely sensitive to emotions. He couldn’t help crying all over the mountains.
The rest of the intruders were also affected by infectious grief and sighed with regret.
"Don’t leng! To save other people who are left at home! " Xie Jixing way
They woke up and spread out.
Everyone who attacked them in Chenjia Village went to the guest house to rescue the lucky victims. The process was very smooth.
After Xie Ji rescued the last victim, he told him, "You … your companions will protect you from leaving the village for the time being. Go to search for dry food first. There will be an escape mountain road in the mountain later."
After that, he began to search all the houses for gasoline without stopping.
"Thank you" Jiang Jichu looked at the mountain forest "They are coming"
As night falls, a large number of Fuxiu trees shake strangely in the darkness.
Purple python, the guardian evil spirit of Chenjiacun, rushed into the village with its snake grandson from the forest.
Seeing a purple snake will bite tendril’s shoulder. Behind her, a red snake appears. Two snakes and several snakes are fighting together.
Purple pythons screamed a few times and rushed to thank them.
It’s full of injuries, but it’s not slowing down.
Siyou saved a lot of fire, climbed the roof in twos and threes, and jumped to the purple python’s head with a dagger in his hands.
A dagger plunged straight into the left eyeball of the purple python, and the blood burst open in the middle.
The fragile eyeball is not enough to support her weight. She should fall, holding the dagger in her right hand, but plunged into the purple python’s eyebrows without any space. She turned over and jumped to the top of the purple python’s head with her heart.
The purple python swung violently, got up and plunged the dagger into its body, but the python’s body was wet and the size of the dagger was small, which was extremely unfavorable for her.
Think leisurely toward Jiang Ji early scold a way "how long do you want to see the play? !”
When facing the villagers, Jiang Ji had been beating people’s eyes with scabbard, and finally got a chance to drink blood. He said flatly, "I miss sl field."
Cold light flashed in the air and Jiang Ji rushed out like an arrow.
Thank you for sending a good petrol tank "Jiang Zhichu! Mountain! "
At the beginning of Jiang Ji and Siyou lured purple pythons to chase them back to the mountains.
Xie Qian waited in the high place and shouted "Ready!" to the two who were still entangled with the purple python.
Jiang Zhichu took the lead in running high to find a suitable place and then held the knife.
Siyou consciously met Jiang Ji’s first day of fighting, but the fight also played a tacit understanding. Seeing Jiang Ji’s posture, he immediately jumped away from the purple python and then ran to thank him without hesitation.
Jiang Jichu seized the opportunity to jump and the long knife cut into the purple python’s blood.
He was dragged by gravity as fast as a jumper to break the skin of the purple python’s mouth and continue to burst into a foul-smelling and widening bloody waterfall.
By this painful blow, the general biological base has no chance of survival
But the purple python rolled in the same place in pain, and its tail made the whole mountain shake.
He turned over and landed firmly, grasped the long knife and followed Siyou to the mountain.
The petrol tank was cut open by Xie Quan, and the whole tank was thrown at the Fuxiu tree next to the purple python from a good place.
Then he pulled a bullet from his waist and smashed it in Fuxiu tree. The spark gasoline was instantly ignited.
The flames rose into the sky and thundered into flames.
At the beginning, Jiang Ji created the opportunity, but at the end, he thanked him for pulling it. He took the people and ran to the top of the mountain.
Purple pythons can’t put out the fire, so they just give up the struggle and endure the torture of the fire to chase four people running in front.
Its body is on fire everywhere, and the Fuxiu tree is lit, which is an excellent kindling tool.
Despite the serious injury, the purple python is in extreme anger and the speed is even faster than before.
Seeing that it is getting closer and closer to the last thank you and Jiang Zhichu of the four people, a huge red figure emerges from the fire and bites the purple python’s neck and takes it back into the fire.
Thank you for sending them to stop on the broad platform at the top of the mountain. The fire is getting bigger and bigger. Fortunately, thank you for sending them properly and don’t burn them a bit.
Xie Quan was lying on the ground panting, and the other three people were not so tired. They looked at the mountain side by side.
Red pythons are biting purple pythons and shuttling through the mountains. The whole mountain is ablaze. Even after such a long distance, they can still vaguely hear the constant wailing in the village.
The fire burned for nearly a night, and the sin was extinguished with a little bit.
There will be no Chenjiacun in the future tonight.
At dawn, there were only a few wisps of fire left.
Fuxiu tree was completely burned, and the purple python died completely, and there were no purple snakes left.
A white road slowly appeared on the mountain.
Xie Quanyao was delighted to see someone helping each other to walk the mountain road, but somewhat disappointed. "The living still have a chance to live again, but they are unfortunately killed …"
Siyou dug out a glass bottle from his pocket and handed it to Xie Quan to "open it"