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Lemon is gone, and it seems that he will never come back.


In this apartment, the neighbors who lived together at the beginning also left a lot, and now only these three families are left.
It’s only been nine years …
What will happen in ten years?
Maybe you don’t have to come back after this apartment?
Some things in life will disappear with the passage of time, but such as these neighbors. But some things will never be forgotten, just like their memories together.
He rubbed the bottle with cold touch.
"Tomorrow night’s game, we have all bought tickets, and we will go to Calderon to cheer for you, Chang!" Aunt Maria didn’t know what Chang Sheng was thinking. She excitedly talked about everyone’s plan.
Next to carmone and Daniel nodded.
"Can you buy tickets for visiting fans?" Changsheng was surprised. The tickets for the visiting fans in the Champions League are reserved for the visiting fans, and the tickets for the home fans are publicly sold.
"No, we bought tickets for the home team fans." Aunt Maria said.
Changsheng frowned.
That is to say, they will sit with a group of Atletico Madrid fans.
Aunt Maria saw what Changsheng was worried about. She patted Changsheng on the shoulder: "Don’t worry, we will pay attention! We are just going to cheer for you, not to fight! "
Ever-victorious turned supercilious look, aunt Maria said this words how so like the feeling of a gangster elder sister …
"And I believe that Lemmon will also watch the game in front of the TV, often. Although everyone is no longer together, every time I watch the game, I feel that someone is doing the same thing as you in another place. This feeling is really wonderful … You cheer for the team’s victory and he cheers. You cry for the team’s failure, and he cries … Anyway, football keeps us together. "
Changsheng smiled: "Yes, you are right, Aunt Maria. Football connects us. "
Before the match with Atletico Madrid, there was a lot of news about Changsheng, and the media in Madrid welcomed it with hype about Changsheng’s feud with Atletico Madrid.
From the fact that Changsheng was rejected by Atletico Madrid, and then Changsheng completed the perfect revenge, everything that did not fall was shaken out.
Of course, Atletico Madrid didn’t end well in these clean-ups, and it was just a poor loser who set off the protagonist.
This kind of public opinion orientation makes the president of Atletico Madrid according to the club, Little Hill, very angry.
"I know all those things. The media seems to want to describe my father as a poor clown! My father has been dead for many years, and he doesn’t deserve such treatment! And the real clown is the China! I don’t think my father did anything wrong now! "
He’s really angry, and he keeps attacking the media and winning.
"When an unknown person comes to recommend himself to be the coach of Atletico Madrid echelon, I think it is normal to be cautious and not agree with him. I don’t understand why there is always something to complain about. And take it out on my father-to be honest, my father has always been ignorant of this matter, knowing that the China man suddenly became the head coach of getafe and faced us in the league … "
"The media are always so despicable! I know their routine very well … They are used to licking the toes of the strong. Recently, Chang has made some achievements and gained fame, so the media are scrambling to lick Chang’s toes. This is really disgusting! "
"I am proud of my father. In my mind, he is the greatest president in the history of Atletico Madrid! I am angry at the media’s comments, and he was treated so unfairly so long after his death! It’ s simply insane! "
He constantly attacked the media, which was also mixed with dissatisfaction with the constant victory.
In fact, Chang Sheng hasn’t said a word …
"Why is Little Hill so hysterical?" Rudy Gonzalez, an assistant coach who is familiar with Spanish football, was also surprised by Hill’s performance.
Judging from his usual performance, Little Hill doesn’t look like such a person … He occasionally talks about his father and the feud between his father and Chang Sheng, but his attitude is fairly peaceful.
How could little Hill be so angry this time?
Changsheng shrugged: "It’s simple, because his team needs to beat us at home, so he naturally has to do everything he can to improve the team’s strength. But the strength can’t be improved in a short time, so it can only improve morale and fighting spirit. Hill is helping his father to improve the morale and fighting spirit of the team-what a good reason to fight for the old chairman! Unfortunately, I won’t let him get what he wants. "
Chapter 41 demons don’t except, hardly wins often.
In the face of little hill’s accusation, Changsheng didn’t reply.
He is too lazy to talk to little hill.
At the same time, he knew that Little Hill just wanted to draw himself out, and with his temper, as long as he came out, it would be the rhythm of war.
At that time, Little Hill will say to his players: Look! That’s how he humiliated us! What? They humiliated us? He humiliated my dead father, the greatest president in the history of Atletico Madrid, and humiliated all of us!
If Atletico Madrid’s players are not very clever, they may be successfully incited by Little Hill.
Chang Sheng didn’t join in the fun before the game. If you have anything to say, let’s say it after the game.
So although the media are eager to hear what he thinks of little hill’s words, he always wins by saying nothing.
Really tired of being forced to ask, he asked, "Strange, why did you ask me this question?" Didn’t he scold your media? I’m not a media professional. I really want to ask, how do you feel when he points at your nose? "
A group of reporters were silenced by rhetorical questions …
Everyone knows that Hill Jr. is looking for trouble with winning, and the media is just a cover.
But the problem is that you can’t say this, because Hill didn’t say it directly, but you did. When the time comes, Hill Jr. will push this matter completely, and it will become the responsibility of the media.
If you provoke a constant victory, everyone will get more than one bargained for.
The Spanish media know the winning style too well.
Now they only dare to pick things up by someone else’s name.
Just like this one.
Little Hill fired first, and they dared to come to Changsheng and ask him what he thought of it. Beating around the bush, trying to win the water.
But it always wins.
With such a rhetorical question, people blocked all the media back.
Of course, just because Chang Sheng didn’t respond to Hill’s words doesn’t mean he responded to the game in a low-key and silent way.
At the press conference before the game, Chang Sheng did not forget to stimulate Atletico Madrid club and fans.
"I like Calderon Stadium, I like everything here, even the booing makes me miss it. I have wonderful memories here, and I would like to share them with you. Let’s continue this wonderful memory tonight! "
I always win in Calderon, and I simply like to play in Calderon!
The home of my own family has become a blessed place for the people I hate most.
What could be more humiliating for Atletico Madrid fans?
The winning streak angered Atletico Madrid.
When the game started, their fans hissed at Lazio in the stands.
In addition, there are many slogans aimed at winning, and the above words are more ugly than one.
Television broadcasts always give close-ups to these slogans.
But winning always turns a blind eye.
He has seen many such battles.
Atletico Madrid fans can’t come up with any more creative methods.