重庆桑拿网,重庆耍耍网,重庆品茶网,重庆夜网论坛 桑拿洗浴 "here! Put this box of candy away first! Get up early and eat one first! " Zhou Zhengye: There is no way for her to let Beckham live in the city now. Otherwise, he would rather pick up and drop her off every day or urge her to eat and rest, but there is no excuse at all! Thinking of this, he is eager to get married again, so that he can take care of Beckham aboveboard, and now he has to worry about it.

"here! Put this box of candy away first! Get up early and eat one first! " Zhou Zhengye: There is no way for her to let Beckham live in the city now. Otherwise, he would rather pick up and drop her off every day or urge her to eat and rest, but there is no excuse at all! Thinking of this, he is eager to get married again, so that he can take care of Beckham aboveboard, and now he has to worry about it.


Chapter 15 fried noodles
Zhou Zheng collected white rabbits, biscuits and other foods and sent them as dry food. Yi Huifen also brought her "fresh noodles" to look for. This is a good thing. After soaking glutinous rice for one night, it is milled to make slurry, and then it is hung in a cloth bag for one night. When the water drops dry, the wet glutinous rice balls are broken and dried.
When frying, don’t put oil or water in it, then pour in glutinous rice flour and stir it until it turns a little yellow. When it is cooked, glutinous rice flour may turn into pieces, and then grind them into powder to become cooked glutinous rice flour. There is also a place called "fried noodles", which was the main dry food when climbing snow-capped mountains and crossing grasslands, and it was easy to carry.
Rural people think it’s not easy to raise people with glutinous rice. When the years are bad, everyone won’t cook such fine food. It is said that Yang Xiaobei was so busy that he was hungry recently that his grandmother was so distressed that he soaked glutinous rice overnight and took out a pot of fried noodles the next day to bring brown sugar and a small pot of lard from home for her to eat.
Although just full, but smelling delicious fried noodles, Yang Xiaobei feels that he can still eat a small bowl of fried noodles in his hometown for a long time! Later, my mother was in poor health and couldn’t fry any more. I haven’t eaten this taste at home since.
The way to eat in my hometown is to put sugar, a spoonful of lard and then boil water to brew fried noodles, which becomes a sticky noodle. Both sugar and lard are indispensable. It sounds as if I am very tired. I can’t eat too much at one time, just to cushion the bar. First, it is very delicious and soft. Yang Xiaobei has always liked this mouth. She holds a bowl and smiles and enthusiastically gives Zhou Zhengchong a bowl for him to taste.
Zhou Zheng … To tell the truth, because of the different tastes in the living environment, Biepuhai’s life is relatively rich. He has never eaten fat since he was a child, let alone pure lard, and this batter is sticky. He really doesn’t think everything is delicious, but since Beckham is rare and generous, he is still trying to eat it up.
"Come on! Don’t eat if you don’t like it! " People think it’s a good thing when they get to Zhou Zheng, but they eat it with a frown like taking medicine. She has long known that Zhou Zheng doesn’t eat fat, and this is always laughed at by my uncle-is it stupid not to eat oil or water? She was also happy at the moment and forgot to brew a bowl for him. It is estimated that he was flustered when he saw lard.
Lard is a good thing! Not only the fat is sweet in taste, cool in nature, toxic and tonic, moistening dryness and detoxicating, but also it can be used to treat dry viscera, unfavorable stool, dry cough, chapped skin and other symptoms. It can also be used as medicine, ointment or pills to coat the affected parts. From the daily point of view of ordinary people, it is the best cooking oil if cooking is not pig rape.
In fact, lard, such as lard bibimbap and vegetable rice, will also be found in the unified dishes in Puhai, but Zhou Zheng was spoiled by his family to eat meat and eat thin since childhood, or beef and mutton came here. He was not used to cooking and liked "big oil", that is, "meat oil". Beckham always laughed at him for being as poor as crooked nuts.
I really can’t eat it. Zhou Zheng moved a few mouthfuls. A bowl of fried noodles is full of waves! Yi Huifen was so distressed that she smacked her lips. You know, only those who have been doing the moon will have this good food to eat now! Yang Xiaobei can’t eat this stuff either. It smells good. Eating too much will make his forehead stuffy.
It’s a pity to dump it. The first patient came unsteadily.
The little orange cat has grown into a beautiful big cat with elegant posture and bright fur. At first glance, it is a healthy big cat. Its home is not far away. Since Yang Xiaobei saved its life, it has often come around. At first, it always wanted to bring a dead mouse with its hand. After being seriously educated by Yang Xiaobei several times, it gave up the "repay kindness" line, but it also likes to come here often.
Yang Xiaobei liked cats and dogs since he was a child, but he never had a chance to raise them. It is strange that although they are all native cats and dogs, they are all spiritual. Later, she also injected several cats and dogs one after another. They seem to know that they are treating themselves and they will not struggle to bite people. But if they are familiar with each other, they probably regard the clinic as their own territory. Isn’t this a small step to patrol?
"hey! Kitten, you’re just in time! It is delicious! " Yang Xiaobei smiled and quickly found a bowl to pour the batter into. The orange cat didn’t pick its mouth and gave the noodles a good taste. It was really reliable for the cat!
Yang Xiaobei took a white look at Zhou Zheng and said that he was right. Isn’t he picky? If you don’t eat fat meat or bacon, it smells like an ashtray … Is it delicious? If you don’t eat Chili, you’ll have a lot of spicy tears and snot.
This is a very serious problem. Yang Xiaobei wants to say that family conflicts in TV dramas are not just the habits of childhood. The seniors told us that it is necessary to be right. How can we live together with different tastes?
Excuse me, do you have a dime for the right door and taste? If Zhou Zheng knew that Yang Xiaobei had started thinking from a bowl of fried noodles, he would probably cry himself out in the toilet. However, the taste is really very important for eating goods. Therefore, in the later period, he catered to Yang Xiaobei’s taste so that his daughter-in-law could eat comfortably. Zhou Zheng not only learned how to cook in northern Hubei, but also trained himself to be spicy and unhappy. What a good husband in China!
Because of the love of relatives, Yang Xiaobei’s health crisis has disappeared. Simply speaking, eating everything is not a problem … In fact, there is still a problem.
As mentioned earlier, when the countryside is extremely unstable, sometimes it’s hard to stay indoors when the weather is hot. It’s hard to be in the clinic during the day and go home to sleep late. Last year, there was a fan in the county town and it was ok to make ice on that week. This year, the fan was prepared early and was seen by the villagers who came to see the doctor-I haven’t seen that I can turn the fan! Unfortunately, it is just a decoration!
Today is a hot day, and there is no accurate weather forecast, but judging from the hot weather, it will take at least 3 degrees. It happened that in the afternoon, a teenage woman came to the clinic with crutches and looked at the fan without seeing a doctor!
"Oh, doctor Yang welcome! Don’t bother to entertain the old woman. I just heard that you will turn your own iron fan here to see it! " Grandma smiled and took the water handed by Yang Xiaobei and said that she was too old to work at home, so she came to see something strange.
Chapter 151 Rare
Yang Xiaobei is in distress situation. I vaguely remember that it will be about 2000 to buy the first fan at home. At that time, it was still in the village, waiting for someone to buy it caused a sensation. Many people came to see it and felt good to go back and buy it. Now it’s only 2000. There are not many fans in the county. It’s just a rarity!
Grandma came all the way to rest for a while when she was old, and then got up and circled around the fan to see, "Why doesn’t this iron fan look like a fan?"
Feelings, is this iron fan the same shape as a big cattail fan? Yang Xiaobei said with a smile, "Taipo’s iron fan looks like this!" To tell you the truth, the fan looks really flattering these days. If you want to describe it, there is a saying-all the stupid parts are made of iron, and the connection position is also welded, the work and the paint … It’s really spicy.
But in everyone’s eyes, this is "high-tech". How amazing it is to be able to fan the wind without doing it yourself in an era when the concept of tuning is still unknown! Grandma sighed again and asked strangely, "Why don’t you see it turn?"
Yang Xiaobei … I really want it to turn! But it hasn’t come since it stopped yesterday, and I don’t know where something went wrong. Sometimes it may be that the power is not enough to pull the switch directly.
It took a lot of effort to make grandma’s white fan turn, but now she can’t move. Grandma still wants to see how it is, and she has been waiting for a long time, but it didn’t work out.
Finally, grandma will regret to go back and whisper when she leaves. "Is this iron fan still bad and can’t turn the top?" It’s still a big cattail fan! " It’s not that Yang Xiaobei shook the cattail fan and sent the grandmother away. When she came back, she thought that a rural appliance could not be promoted, including many people who don’t have lights at present, because of instability.
This is the case in mountainous areas. It has always been a difficult problem for later generations because of the high mountains and long roads. Han Jiachong was able to meet the daily needs after two major changes in infrastructure, in which the state invested a lot until the Three Gorges Dam was located in the surrounding areas. People don’t have to say that it was much cheaper, but it was more convenient than the developed coastal areas.
But it will be three years from now, and it will take a long time to stop the rhythm. I remember later, there was really no way for every family to keep a bottle. Sometimes, when it stopped, the lights and video cameras could be connected to the bottle surface. Now it should be quite dangerous to think about it, but at that time, everyone was forced to come up with a trick.
No, it’s too hot again. It’s like a steamer outside in the shade. On the contrary, it’s easier for Yang Xiaobei and his mother to transfer the battlefield and move the recliner and bench to the shade. At this time, there are generally no patients. If you come, talk outside and make sure before you go in to get the medicine. That’s the good thing. There are not so many rules and regulations, and you are very loose.
It’s hard to get through the day and it’s hard to get through the night. It’s too hot to sleep without wind, but you can’t sleep and slap back, can you? Yang Xiaobei finally knows the reason why the two maids of the ancient nobles fanned. This is definitely not a pretence, but a practical need, dear!
However, the wisdom of the working people is that it is poor and hot, and it is equipped with bamboo beds and bamboo reclining chairs. At night, everyone is moved to the rice field while enjoying the cool. Generally, they like to tell ghost stories or tell ancient stories, that is, in winter, there is a rice field in summer, and parents will listen to the stories told by their elders.
It’s hard to sit together and chat even if the family members are all together in the future. Young people hold their mobile phones and old people stare at each other. Although they are in the same room, the distance is particularly long. The development of science and technology has narrowed the distance between everyone, but it has also alienated the closest people.
After a good meal tonight, as usual, everyone moved their equipment to the rice field to enjoy the cool. At night, the summer heat gradually dissipated, and it was particularly comfortable to sit outside with a breeze blowing-except that there was a big cattail fan in the mosquito house.
There is no smog and air, which is especially pure. There is no moon tonight. The Milky Way is like a silver ribbon lying quietly at night. The stars are shining. Yang Xiaobei pointed to the stars and told my sister that there is an Altair here. There is a bright star on the east bank of the Milky Way. There are two dark stars on each side of this bright star. Three stars form a shoulder pole. That is the Altair carrying his two children.
Across the river from the west bank of the Milky Way, there is a particularly conspicuous and shining white star. Near this bright star, there are four relatively dark stars forming a spindle. This bright star is called Vega. She has been blocked by the Milky Way and has been watching them all the time.
Yang Xiaobei didn’t know much about the constellation. Later, she remembered the geography exams such as Big Bear, Little Bear and Scorpio, but she couldn’t tell the difference. She knew the Cowherd, Weaver Girl, Big Dipper (Spoon Star) and Qixing from childhood. Of course, I was interested in the story. Although I told it every day, I had to ask "Sister-in-law, which is the Cowherd Star?" "Why doesn’t the Weaver Girl fly there?"
How do I know why they didn’t elope? Yang Xiaobei shook his head. No wonder when I was a child, adults always fooled themselves into asking wonderful questions. "How come the two children have never grown up for so many years" is what she is asked to answer?
A child is a child. After listening to the story for a while, he went to catch fireflies, but the stars were dotted with fireflies dancing. They were not afraid of people flying and were slow. Sometimes they could even fly to you. Sister Yang Xiaobei was afraid that she would run around in the grass and step on snakes to help.
Fireflies are easy to catch, and they catch several children in a short time. It’s time to always catch one and put it in gauze and watch it at night, but adults say that fireflies sweat first in cow dung during the day …
Yang Xiaobei has a small lace bag with a headdress, which is usually placed like a baby by her sister. Now she has also taken out fireflies. It goes without saying that the tail is shining with fluorescent insects, which looks particularly happy at night, which is full of all romantic and beautiful little girls’ mentality.
Yang Xiaobei helped her put it in a bag, like carrying a jade-like ball of light in her hand. She threw it in her hand and went to bed with great joy, ignoring the adults’ saying that "bugs crawl out of cow dung"
Chapter 152 Summer night
Sister was still playing for a while, and then she was sleepy. It was only after 9 o’clock, and the room was still very hot. The adults were not sleepy, so they put her on the bamboo bed and fell asleep. My aunt drove her mosquitoes, but everyone thought that the child had a weak spleen and stomach and could not sleep in the cold bed all night. After waiting, I still had to carry her in.
Brother Ping has long been asleep with a watermelon in his mouth. Because Yang Xiaobei intervened in him, he was weaned after a good year, but his temper was bad and he was always noisy. The family always gave him something to eat to appease him. In the long run, he developed the habit of having to hold something in his mouth to fall asleep. It was just * * *) Later, he was slowly replaced. Unfortunately, there is no gutta and nipple for him to bite. Generally, he is biting a poor baby who is carefully cut and does not stick …