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Did you use my affairs as a talk for a group of soul-light departments in your gang?


Zuo Tangtang instantly roars the emperor’s body.
But after all, in someone else’s territory, after all, the other party can’t beat it, so just bear with it.
Zuo Tangtang took a deep breath for two times and calmly continued to listen.
"I’m very grateful for all this," said Bottle Sound again. "I hope it will help me to watch her more, so I’ll be grateful."
"Hey! What! " Guy is very protesting.
However, the bottle ignored Gai’s complaint and waited for Zuo Tangtang’s reply seriously.
"This this I will help, hey hey hey" Zuo Tangtang smiled wryly.
Watching two people so ignore their cover broke out "bottle! I hooked you up! What are you dissatisfied with there! "
Bottles are also hooked up?
She doesn’t seem to have heard of this.
In the face of Gai, Nai said, "I wish this had happened to me. I don’t need you to continue doing this!" "
Zuo Tangtang finally understood that the soy sauce gang often said that "news is always good". She worked very hard to weaken her own feelings and continued to listen to the dialogue and enjoy the divination she rarely met.
Knowing the whole process, Zuo Tangtang froze. It turned out that they had met each other like this.
When I came to the new area, I was very happy. After building a gang, I gave it up to a group of friends. It is reasonable to say that at the time of the new area, the players in the whole game were very busy, busy brushing, kicking the gym and brushing life skills. Everyone always wanted to have a good one in this area.
However, there are always some people who you can’t guess what she is thinking.
That’s what guy does.
She was very excited to say to her friends, "This can hook up a lot of sister papers!" He left in a hurry.
Chengdu, Suzhou and Luoyang …
Emei Wudang Shaolin …
She is everywhere.
Hearing this, Zuo Tangtang secretly lost his heart and even the cute little monk didn’t let go! This woman is terrible!
Watching the gang record a long list of names, Gai was very satisfied, clapped his hands and was ready to continue to hook up.
Friends are very understanding because the gang needs people, but why does she go out to hook up when the gang level is almost too low for new people? Just leave them with a group of new people. They also have something to do! They are also friends to help!
However, guy didn’t care about these things, so he was very happy and continued to do what he wanted.
Until you meet a bottle
Bottle to how * * refused to others condition has always been difficult to cover?
Gaifei said that their names almost kept pulling the bottle into the gang. Unexpectedly, the bottle was still a precious gang, and everything was handled in an orderly way. He also knew how to unite the front, not only often bringing new people, but also successfully persuading Gai not to pull people again when the gang level was not up.
Guy’s friends saw that the bottle was so powerful that they handed over their work to the bottle and ran away.
In this way, the bottle became a deputy Wang.
If you go on like this for a long time, they will not be able to control their hearts.
A bean has something to say. Yes, you have seen me again. The bitter truth is that it is not a draft this time. The draft was finished a few days ago. I played games crazy and sold it now.
[6] Chapter sixty-one Faint loss]
Listening to Gai’s noisy argument, and then listening to Gai’s unusually good temper to explain Zuo Tangtang’s original intention of watching the excitement gradually faded, instead of telling loneliness by law.
It’s been several days.
Zuo Tangtang read this name in his heart.
"hoof, hoof, do you think it is wrong for him to say so?" Gai suddenly shouted and pulled Zuo Tangtang back.
"Oh, oh" Zuo Tangtang was in a trance to cope with.
"You oh what!" Guy is very dissatisfied with "and your bottle …"
Zuo Tangtang suddenly felt that he wanted to escape from here.
The conversation continued, but Zuo Tangtang didn’t say a word.
Until the cover is aware that it is preparing for oral inquiry.