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Step by step … as I approached him step by step, the white body gradually turned into petals from my feet …


He touched Ulysses’ face and lips and called his name.
A moment has completely turned into petals disappearing in the wind …
It was just a moment …
At that moment, Ulysses once again experienced a where will you go …
He collapsed …
Ulysses memory to stop at night feather from his last memory read a purple also guessed the follow-up.
The lich king must have planned it long ago …
You know, the flowering period of the demon flower … there is a flash in the pan …
Bound Ulysses and constantly extract his magic. This formulation is to let the human law in the cage move and extract the magic law from them.
It’s not good enough to let go at the end. That’s the lich king …
Night feather has a moment of trance …
After the ink night, my father Valensell did not hesitate to sneak into the underworld to challenge Pluto, and you became a white father, giving up all human beings.
It’s a good thing that Valensell didn’t. He worked hard and got the favor of the keeper, but you …
And you …
Night feather really doesn’t know whether he should still hate or complain …
Fathers didn’t really die, and they, especially Ulysses, made fathers pay so much …
I think …
I think I know what to do …
Night feather let everyone back palm up two black gold ball.
He looked at Robbie with envy.
"The name of the night feather dissipates!"
The black ball of light jumped and gradually became a black cloud, shining with black light and slowly covering Ulysses’ body.
You can see a little dark elf dancing in the black light when you rise to the power Xuan Ming.
One by one, the elves entered Ulysses and pulled out something black.
Something black is bigger, just a few elves lined up in a row. You put your arm around my waist and I pull it with your shoulder.
It’s a serious scene, but it’s an interesting tug-of-war in Xuanming’s eyes
Wait until an elf confirms that the black thing has no clouds, and then retract the black ball and return to the hands of Night Feather.
At this time, the golden ball is also ready to move.
"Night feather name gives this person a new life!"
From the golden ball, several filaments were fiercely separated and wound around Ulysses, which firmly fixed the ground. When a humanoid cocoon was formed, the golden ball returned to the hands of the night feather again.
Night feather body bathes in the holy light, reflecting the light in the narrow room, and everyone has to close their eyes.
When everyone’s eyes can adapt to the bright light, the room is already filled with all kinds of elements that are too thick.
The ball in the night feather’s hand is not black and white, but shining with brilliant colors, and the surface of the ball is floating with different colors constantly transmitting light.
Every time a color flashes, which representative element in the gas becomes stronger.
Fortunately, the feather was covered with a powerful enchantment one night earlier, otherwise, the variation here could not bear the pressure of the elements and blew itself up before it attracted attention.
This difference pays great attention to the balance of elements.
They looked at the surrounding changes in amazement.
Too thick elements condense, and elves scramble to appear. The air is densely covered with the whole room.
Generally speaking, it is a piece of color, but there are still many light-emitting elves.
On behalf of the earth elves, they greeted with kindness and green, and some even got into his fluffy leaf head to tickle him.
The excitement in Longfei Bai’s group of light elves even pricked up scales.
Robbie is quite self-conscious, rushing to the elves who are curious about him and want to stick into his body.
Xuan Ming is still the same poker face for ten thousand years, and even an elf pulls his clothes and pulls his hair without moving, and the night feather is doing a warning behind him.