重庆桑拿网,重庆耍耍网,重庆品茶网,重庆夜网论坛 桑拿洗浴 Jiuzhong can’t go to the door to confirm that if he is unlucky enough to bump into Tao Feng, it will really be a good result for him.

Jiuzhong can’t go to the door to confirm that if he is unlucky enough to bump into Tao Feng, it will really be a good result for him.


Rubbing his temples and thinking hard for a long time, Jiuzhong finally took out a coin from her pocket. "It seems that it can be a trick!" Heads left, tails right! "
After that, Jiuzhong threw the coin in his hand to half and then took it in his palm to have a look. "Heads left!"
Put the coin in your pocket and sneak to the left door and gently try to push it. I found that the door was not inserted and suddenly I was beaming. "Hum, it seems that the old man is really good! Luan, I’m coming! "
Gently push the door and push in the backhand, and then a little bit, God scanned the environment in the eye room and instantly locked the target. At the moment, Jiuchong rushed to the bed and hugged the charming body without waiting for a swoop. "Hey, hey, darling, I’m coming!"
"Um … Luan son? !”
At this moment, Jiuzhong has been lifted to see the hidden face and immediately stare big eyes.
Chapter three hundred and ninety-seven ganci agni
? "Depend … how are you? !”
"… big bastard!" Tao Feng’s degree of surprise is even more severe.
"Luan son? !” Nine heavy asked
"Luan’s room is opposite!"
"Depend … that you have no matter to sleep why don’t you plug in the door? !”
"Miss always don’t plug the door! Wait …! " Chatted with nine heavy TaoFengCai finally react "you are going to luan son room! Ok, you big pervert, how dare you try to do something bad in my house! I! !”
TaoFengGang to shout nine eyes load a blocked TaoFeng mouth low voice way "don’t call you! It wasn’t my idea. Luan called me! "
"Uh-huh …!" Tao Feng struggled to get rid of the nine clutches.
"I beg you, miss, you mustn’t scream!" Nine heavy bodies pressed Tao Feng not to let her move. "If you bring your father to me and Luan, things will be completely ruined!"
"Well … well …!" Tao Fengwen heard this, and his excitement eased. He rushed at Jiuchong and winked at Jiuchong to loosen her mouth.
"You promise not to call me and let you go! Promise to blink! "
"Well …!" Tao Feng blinked hard.
"good!" Nine heavy pumping hand put TaoFeng mouth.
"Ahh … ahh … big bastard, do you want to suffocate me? !”
"Hush-dot! !”
"You … you do bad things also afraid of being known? !”
"I said it was Luan who called me! Otherwise, I won’t dare to fight against the wind in the future! "
"Hum … well said, but you’re here!" TaoFeng Chou Chou nine heavy at this time did not notice nine heavy body is very ambiguous posture the whole pressure on her body, two people separated by a thin layer was she can clearly feel nine heavy body.
Realizing this, Tao Feng suddenly had a fever in her cheeks, her heart beat faster and her body struggled. "You … you’re pressing me. Get up quickly!"
Tao Feng woke up nine times and realized that the two men wanted to get up immediately, but Tao Feng’s wriggling struggle completely ignited him, which is now dry and dry.
Instantaneous nine-heavy body desire * the fire is burning, and the body reacts instantly to reach Taofeng’s charming body.
TaoFeng so big which meeting don’t know what is arrived at her body immediately a quiver froze in there "you … you are a big bad wolf, what do you want? ! Don’t mess around! "
Tao Feng didn’t talk, but it’s okay. This talk is matched with her red, bright and dripping appearance, intense ups and downs, and the breasts are even more suspicious. It’s a complete explosion in Jiuchong’s head
"Do you remember what I said before? !” Nine heavy instead of TaoFeng thoroughly in your arms.
"Said … said what? !” I can’t help feeling that Tao Feng has gone on in vain and what will happen.
"Hey hey … I said don’t give me a chance or I’ll kill you on the spot!" Nine heavy hot looking at the bosom TaoFeng "now obviously the opportunity came ~! !”
"Luan son is opposite you … you don’t mess …!" Words outstanding TaoFeng heat lips have been nine heavy forcibly occupied "well …! !”
Tao Feng struggled hard to beat Jiuchong’s back with powder boxing, but in less than ten seconds, she completely melted into Jiuchong’s fiery passion and catered to Jiuchong’s infatuation.
Tao Feng has long been interested in Jiuchong, but she has been suppressing her thoughts because of Luan Er’s former office. Usually, she vented her feelings by quarreling with Jiuchong, but the more she suppressed it, the more counterproductive it became. Tao Feng’s love for Jiuchong was not weakened, but it was more intense. She had been saving and forbearing.
Today, by mistake, Jiuzhong entered her room, and Tao Feng also felt Jiuzhong’s love for her. It was hard for two of a kind to control herself and suppress her strong love in her heart.
The two of them were rolling violently in bed, kissing enthusiastically, enjoying each other’s taste and deep love.
When the love is strong and the passion is nine times, the dissatisfaction is finally that the kissing hand performs stunts in Taofeng’s charming body, and all obstacles are removed in an instant, and it is even faster to have nothing to say and complete it almost at the same time.