重庆桑拿网,重庆耍耍网,重庆品茶网,重庆夜网论坛 桑拿会所 Xiang ignored Asa and said, "Hurry up and help Tilberu."

Xiang ignored Asa and said, "Hurry up and help Tilberu."


"Be careful," Tong Ren woke up.
Xiang nodded, but Safiros wouldn’t let them get what they wanted. The whole two teams were like a stumbling block across the path.
Xiang looked at them coldly. "Can you really stop us when the number of people is double?"
"That’s not in my consideration!" Safiros road
A total of 1 player’s faces are all crazy.
Chapter seventy-two
I changed the early shift.
A few days ago, I was in bed with a cold and fever for three days and nights. Now I am much better, but my throat still hurts.
That crazy look looks like a bloodthirsty wolf. There is a faint red light in his eyes, as if he wants to choose someone and bite them. There is no spare time to be amazed. What is the source of their madness? There is no way to know what the other side wants to do. Just as Safiros’ voice just fell, twelve red players attacked Asa and Tongren teams with no warning.
Brilliant light of sword skill resounds through people’s ears with skill special effects, full of malicious sharp instruments wrapped in colorful light and heading for the crusade team, but all of them are skills of various professional advancement types.
"Look out!"
In a hurry, Asa’s pupil shrank and drank a lot, so he struck the axe in front of him with a string of red arrow-shaped light and made a sharp sound. Then the red light broke into pieces fluttering all over the sky, revealing a silver single-handed sword.
The shine in the eyes of the famous player who attacked Asa shook out a ferocious lip angle. When it was short and hard, the player withdrew his single-handed sword and put on an offensive posture. The unique light of sword skill reappeared.
Without mercy or hesitation …
It was only after a few seconds of contact that Asa became white, and the other side was completely devoid of humanity, including others. In this confrontation, Asa became white a lot. However, it was those few seconds that made Asa lose the excellent attack opportunity.
"Go to hell!"
When he recovered from being stiff and straight, the player’s mouth made a disorderly madness note. The light of heavy red high-level swordsmanship reflected a dazzling light in Asa’s eyes. At this time, a dark edge emerged from Asa’s cheek and directly stabbed the famous player without protecting his neck. The high-level swordsmanship that was about to be issued came to an abrupt end.
"Uh …"
The red player bowed his head slightly in astonishment and looked at the dark blade that suddenly stabbed his neck. His eyes showed deep surprise and he immediately fell into a state of serious rigidity.
Asa couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he looked at the people who appeared beside him. That kind of distance can’t stop the other side’s high-level sword attack by weapons alone, but it’s good to interrupt it when it’s flying.
Xiang stared at those amazing eyes and smiled coldly. At present, the single blow with the highest damage among the acquired skills once again hit the neck blood volume of the famous player in the dazzling red light and directly fell into the yellow area.
Player pk has a very big difference in fighting monsters. As far as the key skills are concerned, hitting the key parts of the player can increase the damage value by several times in the basic limit. The characteristics of the night are the sharp attack or the highest single attack, which makes the opponent’s blood volume fall into the yellow area.
"You guy!" The player’s eyes were filled with amazement and fear.
"So people like you are afraid …"
Xiang pity said that it is to raise the light of pity and show skills to the famous players who are about to recover from rigidity.
Compassionate eyes-The dazzling white light from the shield gem causes dizziness to a single target, and the duration of the effect depends on the difference between the attribute values of the two sides.
It is an ordinary straight stab that the dark sword body pierces the neck again in the fear and unbelievable eyes of the other side, and the blood volume drops to the red area.
"No, don’t!" The player watched the blood drop to the red area and suddenly cried out in fear!
Ignoring this, begging for mercy is another ordinary stab, which directly makes the famous player retire from this world forever.
Only ten seconds after the battle began, Xiang killed a famous player.
Asa looked at Xiang, and his eyes were full of inexplicable meaning. It was as if he had realized Xiang for the first time by killing without delay.
"We’ll take care of this."
Xiang turned his back on Asa and glanced at the situation. When he looked at Safiros, his eyes suddenly set.
A pike of the crusade team made it impossible to resist the Safiros offensive, and the blood volume was almost reduced to half.
After throwing a urging word, Xiang ran straight to Safiros.
Even though Safiros was crazy at first, it is a joke to want to keep four teams in the crusade when the number gap is doubled. However, as far as individual strength is concerned, Safiros’ famous team is more outstanding. This refers to pk technology.
Realizing that it was impossible for everyone to stay in Xiang, Safiros sent Asa and the Tongren team to support Tilberu and them.
The crusade against the captain’s gun dulled the animation that was almost blindsided by Safiros.
Safiros has a wide mouth. He doesn’t have skills, but he simply attacks normally, which makes the front-line elite players feel helpless. This shows Safiros’ terrorist strength.
Xiang Shi rushed over and opened Safiros single-handed sword in the grateful eyes of pike emissaries.
"Ha ha!"