重庆桑拿网,重庆耍耍网,重庆品茶网,重庆夜网论坛 夜网 Many people’s eyes have directly crossed this season and turned to next season.

Many people’s eyes have directly crossed this season and turned to next season.


It seems that this season, they should just avoid relegation, and all other upgrades are just a mirage.
Let’s abandon our illusions and live honestly …
Getafe, it’s good to stay in the second division. What more can you expect from the first division? What a joke!
That’s all. At least the first half of this season has left us a lot of good memories. Compared with before, this season has been very good.
Everyone has their own life, and the team is no exception.
Hertafe can’t become a giant, so let’s be at ease with the status quo …
Chapter one hundred and ninety-three Tell that little puss-head to get out!
Changsheng remembers it clearly.
From the 21st round after Atletico Madrid to the 28th round after Murcia.
One month, two weeks and five days.
No more, no less, fifty days in all.
For the getafe team in these 50 days, the dressing room after each game is the most painful. Everyone was silent, and the atmosphere was depressing and boring. One defeat after another killed the confidence that the team had built up before, and also killed the morale of the players.
Economic crisis, concentration, injuries of key players, and, of course, the three-match ban that always wins … eventually turned into a series of failures, which in turn turned into a collapse of morale.
The last game has become a formality and routine. In fact, there are only eleven walking corpses on the court.
Although these three games were suspended, Chang Sheng did not come to the stadium directly because of the suspension, but watched the game in the hotel or dormitory room, as he did in the first half of the season.
He was with the team from beginning to end during the three suspensions, and even during the game, he sat in the stands. Every time before and after the game, he was the first to come to the locker room.
It is this gesture that he wants to show the players that he is standing with them.
Changsheng looked at the players who bowed their heads and said nothing in the locker room. Even Carlos Campo, who is always full of fighting spirit at ordinary times, is now like a frosted eggplant. It is conceivable that what is the atmosphere inside the team now.
But winning is still full of fighting spirit and confidence, fighting.
Just in the eyes of others, he is like a mental derangement, fighting a battle that is doomed to lose. Poor. pathetic.
In order to make the players more motivated in the game, he even supported two players out of his own pocket-they didn’t even have money to eat at that time. Of course, Changsheng couldn’t let the players train and play hungry, so he gave them some money to eat.
But Changsheng is not a super rich man. He can help one or two, but he can’t help the whole team or the whole club.
At this time, he feels that he has too little money …
If he has a lot of money … so much that he can’t spend it all his life, what’s the point of letting him pay for it to ensure the normal operation of the team?
As long as the team can upgrade successfully and achieve its own tasks and goals, it is not impossible to pay for it.
Just now, even if he wants to pay for it himself, he can’t pay anything.
In fact, Chang Sheng didn’t want to solve the problem out of his own pocket before, because he was not a living Lei Feng.
But getafe’s falling speed is really too fast these days …
Fast beyond his imagination, since the debt crisis was exposed, they only won one game in the league, and the other games were either flat or negative. Lost five games and drew one.
It’s almost a straight dive
The atmosphere in the dressing room is a little depressing. Always say something, otherwise it will be even more depressing.
Even if everyone loses confidence, he must have confidence. This is what he asked of himself.
He began to comfort his players: "it doesn’t matter, we are still in the third place in the league, and this ranking is enough for us to upgrade." It’s just a failure Last season, we lost more games than now! But we ended up in the second division. Then this season, we can achieve the original goal as well! Now, forget all about this game, don’t think about it, go back to sleep well, and wake up tomorrow is another day. Dissolve now! "
He ended his speech by clapping his hands. Then Changsheng suddenly found someone missing from the locker room.
Assistant coach Rudy Gonzalez was next to him, but the coach Manuel Garcia, who should also be next to him, disappeared.
"Rudy, have you seen Manuel?"
Rudy Gonzalez looked puzzled: "No, I haven’t seen him."
"Did he go into the dressing room?"
Rudy Gonzalez shook his head: "I don’t know …"
Changsheng frowned, and then realized that he should go to the post-match press conference.
Although he kept the reporters waiting for a long time, he knew that the reporters would not leave.
They are waiting for this opportunity to ridicule themselves.
At the press conference before the game, I had already quarreled with the reporters.
Although the quarrel between the two sides is no longer news these days, it is particularly serious this time. Changsheng almost knocked off the table, and finally he left in a rage, with reporters’ schadenfreude behind him.
Therefore, Chang Sheng knows that he can’t escape from the press conference after the game.
He gave up asking about Manuel Garcia’s whereabouts, tidied up, got up and went out to attend the press conference.
Alberto Garcia, the press officer in getafe, has seen many scenes of the conflict between Changsheng and journalists during this period of time. Changsheng has been showing him how to correctly establish the image of the club in the heckling and ridicule of journalists for a month and a half, that is, … Never give up!
But every time, I let Changsheng fight with the other side against the anger of the media. In the end, I always win myself.
Alberto Garcia thinks Chang Sheng is a good man and he should not be treated like this, which is unfair.
The problems of the team and the club are not the responsibility of the winner. In fact, he has done well enough.
Every day, when he sees the constant victory, he is full of fighting spirit. He constantly tries to instill his fighting spirit and confidence into everyone around him.
But his luck is not good enough. After the team’s unpaid wages, there was a large area of injuries in the team … Alberto Garcia sometimes thought that if there were no injuries, maybe the winning team could really do it. Even if getafe Club was in crisis, the getafe team would continue to lead the league standings …
Unfortunately, there is no if in reality.
He is not a magic doctor, and he can’t help getafe’s players to stop being injured, and he can’t cure those injured players.
He can only do what he can to help the team and help the winning team.
So this time, when the coach of the visiting team finished the press conference and left, he immediately announced that the press conference was over.
He doesn’t want Chang Sheng to clash with the media any more. On the one hand, such a conflict is not good for Chang Sheng. Journalists have the right to speak, and they can define a person how they want. Conflict with the media will damage Chang Sheng’s reputation. On the other hand, he didn’t want to see the high-spirited Chang Sheng being taunted and humiliated by these reporters. They slapped Chang Sheng and also hit him in Alberto Garcia’s face.
Constant victory has brought glory to getafe, a little-known team, and won people’s attention, respect and praise.
He rejuvenated the team.
Alberto Garcia, as an old man who has worked in the club for many years, has a kind of ideology of "all glory, all loss".
Winning honor is his honor, winning face is his face.